You can relax knowing you have a trained & certified birth specialist
I strive to be the best I can for the moms that invite me into their sacred birth space... so I went to school to learn as much as possible and still do continuing education to ensure you have the best I can offer. After months of hard work and dedication I aced my exams and galley portfolios and became Alabama's first B.I.B Certified Birth Photographer!
How you met my partners at the SWC?
All SWC moms get exclusive package options!
Random Facts about ME!
- I am a God fearing Woman of faith
- I am married to the guy I fell in love with at age 16.. and now we have 2 beautiful girls!
- I use WAY too many exclamations, LOL's/Haha's and emojis! (Not sure how to insert an emoji here haha)
- Cows are my FAVORITE animal. Yes COWS!
- I say Sorry too much... I am a recovering people pleaser lol
- I had/have PP Psychosis, PP Depression, PP Anxiety, PTSD.. like.. my mental health has been through the ringer. lol
- All I ever wanted to be when I grew up was to be a Mommy.
- I have had a Vaginal Birth and a C/S
- I love anything and everything sentimental!
- My house is a disaster 90% of the time.. but my door is always open.. just keep your eyes closed because my 2 toddlers own the place.
- Messages sent from me are always long as poo diddles. Maybe I just talk too much...
Can't wait to meet you!